
Note: All items on this page are linked to view in a new tab. Lengthier documents will take longer to load.  

My Rotary Usability Test and Experience Report: Graduate School Capstone

B3_My Rotary Test Report.pdf

A comprehensive usability test report with targeted areas of issues and provided recommendations that aim to improve efficiency and eliminate user error (42 pages). 

View all Capstone Materials

A2_E. Roach EXP Report.pdf

An experience report explaining how technical writers become involved with user experience, detailing the procedure of the usability test, with a summary of results and discussion. 

View all Capstone Materials

Instructional & Procedural Documents 

A Google folder of all my developed coursework for Communication for Business Management including my syllabus and major assignment details. 

View all Course Materials

Alternative IKEA procedural manual comprised of 3 concise, step-by-step guides with included images and a troubleshooting guide. 

Data-Driven Documents 

External Review Tables and Graphs 2022.pdf

Generated tables and graphs of enrollment, quality, and output data for English undergraduate, graduate, and faculty at NC State (98 pages). 

Florida Man Title Data Analysis.pdf

A study of the phrase "Florida Man," and its content relation through media titles across four mediums. 

Academic Studies

A collection of documents evaluating the members of the financial advisement community of practice, with a particular focus on the information design of the Mr.Money Mustache website. 

View all MMM Documents

Image of my conference poster.

A comprehensive conference poster that was created for my graduate level Technical Communication & Learning Technologies course. 

Academic Writing Samples

E. Roach Discovering the X Ray.docx.pdf

Read about Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of the X-ray and how it changed the discourse of science forever. 

Writing Sample.pdf

After studying the rhetoric of marginalized communities, this final paper explains how one simple message can effectively isolate a group of people in the process. 

More Procedural Guides


Working with an XML editor to create this DITA documentation,  myself and two other contributors created this document to explain specific procedures within NC State University's MyPack Portal.   (102 pages) 

Image of iFixit Student Contributed Wiki

An extensive Repair Guide for a Conical Burr Coffee Grinder created by a group of students at the University of South Florida.


Quick Brand Guide Final Project (1).pdf

A comprehensive Brand Guide for a local establishment completed by a group of students at the University of South Florida. (See Applications Section)


An editing sample of the USF Writes style guide through the use of the comment feature in Microsoft Word (Open in a new tab to see comments).


Screen capture of my English degree Infographic.

An informational flyer to convince undergraduate students to consider a degree in English. 

Screen capture of my Rotary Infographic Poster.

As generations collide within Rotary, sometimes it's important for younger generations to know how to interact with our veteran Rotarians.