About Me

A picture of Elizabeth Roach

Elizabeth Ann Roach

Elizabeth, also known as Liz, is a recent graduate of NC State University with an MS in Technical Communication. Technical communication is the practice of creating, organizing, and delivering information in a clear and effective manner to facilitate understanding and usage of technical concepts, processes, and products. It is a field that focuses on communicating complex information to various audiences, including users, stakeholders, and experts. 

Elizabeth currently resides in Raleigh, NC but is open to moving now that she has obtained her Master’s degree. She is currently looking for jobs in instructional design, technical writing, or working in user experience. 

Originally from Florida, Elizabeth attended school at the University of South Florida in Tampa. She obtained her BA in English with a concentration in Professional Writing, Rhetoric, and Technology. As well, she also holds a BA in Communication. As an undergraduate student, Elizabeth enjoyed learning about the niche of technical communication. During Covid and her last year of undergraduate school, Elizabeth decided to apply for graduate programs in Technical Communication. 

When Elizabeth made the move to Raleigh to attend NC State, she received a teaching assistantship which required her to be her own instructor for ENG 332: Communication for Business Management (aka Professional Writing). During that time, Elizabeth developed her own coursework and taught three sections to a total of 66 students. On top of her teaching responsibilities, Elizabeth also held an internship for more than two years with the Office of Information Technology at NC State as a technical writer. 

Through Elizabeth’s experiences in undergraduate, graduate, and professional work, she has developed a focus on instructional design and user experience design. Elizabeth enjoys working on improving efficiency and eliminating user error as it relates to her work, and she advocates for better accessibility across digital landscapes. Please view Elizabeth's portfolio to see her previous work as she hopes to take all of her skills and apply them to a meaningful career. 

Elizabeth pictured in front of a large sign that says "Rotary."

Outside of Work 

Elizabeth has always been fond of being outside whether it's through hiking, camping, or hammocking with a good book. She is always eager to explore new places and since moving away from Florida, Elizabeth has enjoyed a multitude of new experiences. Elizabeth is up for any adventure, big or small, and looks forward to the next chapter. 

Elizabeth is also highly involved with Rotary International. Rotary is a membership organization that focuses on promoting peace through service. Elizabeth is a proud Rotaractor, a designation within Rotary meant to highlight engaged young professionals in the organization, and has been seriously involved since she was 18. Elizabeth has served as a club president, District Rotaract Representative, and currently serves as an Assistant Rotary Coordinator (ARC) with a focus on promoting Rotaract in Zone 33. Zone 33 encompasses 7 states: SC, NC, VA, WV, MD, DE, and western PA. Elizabeth also serves as the District Outreach Director for the Ascension Rotaract Network, which is a Rotaract-connected community for the eastern half of the United States (Zones 28-34) aimed at providing resources connecting members. For both of these current roles, the overall goal is to convince Rotary members, who are movers and shakers of their community, to empower young people to make a difference and create a positive impact.